Sunday, February 19, 2012

I'm Crafting!

I know it's been a while since I've done anything crafty. It's hard when you go from all this time not spent in the car while you're staying home with the kids, to spending an hour in the car going to work for 9 hours. And when you have to be up at 5:15 am, it makes those evening hours even shorter, too.

Soon (meaning after my lazy butt gets up to do laundry) I'll have a picture of a quick refurbish job I did on an old shirt I loved but didn't grow in size like I did.

But for today, who can guess what this picture shows? Besides the obvious of a blue disc and a silver disc in my tiny baby hand? Whatever will I be making from these? And why?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dexter Duck

This week is B's turn to bring home Dexter Duck. He comes in his own bag with a few books. And the kids get to take him with them everywhere they go over the weekend, taking pictures along the way. Then on Sunday night, the pictures get printed and a story is written, and the whole class gets to hear the adventure on Monday.
We took Dexter to dinner last night. B found his first real crush (a cute girl there for a Father/Daughter dinner party), and promptly forgot where he left Dexter. T found him under a coat and tucked him in next to him.
Then he snuck out for a quick photo op with Ms. E. B was looking the other direction, worried about telling his teacher that he'd managed to lose the class duck in a matter of hours.
HEY! Where'd you find him! No fair!
Today we took the kids on more errands, but included a trip to the jumpy play place palace. Yeah...that's what I'm gonna call it. Dexter spent most of his time on the couch with T while the kids played and I chased Baby D around. But he did get to play for a minute and enjoy a ride down the slide.
 Finally, before we headed home for the night, Dexter took a ride with Uncle Drew. E dug up quarters from the yard in the back.

My Rings Are HERE!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! I made mini cupcakes for my new team at work. They were yummy :)

I had a horrible night with a fussy baby that wouldn't sleep more than about 20 minutes at a time. And then I had to get up at 5:15 to shower before getting the kids up for the bus. Bleh. BUUUUUUT, T was the wonderfullest husband ever and left me a white rose and a white lipstick rose at the edge of my bag and a card so perfect I cried. A lot. :) So I left him his sappy card and a nice big cupcake.

How did you celebrate? Do you like to celebrate? 

My keyboard got soda spilled on it by an overzealous baby, so my keys stick. Boo.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Paranormal What?

I LOVE scary movies. The creepy ones that are more about suspense than gore are my cup of tea (not to discount the gorefest, though...I do have a soft spot for those as well). When Paranormal Activity first came out, I was beyond excited. It looked like something that would scare the poo out of me and leave me begging for more. I was right. Even the sequel didn't disappoint.

And then...they decided to change directors and capitalize on the hype. I wish they hadn't.

T brought home Paranormal Activity 3 last night, just for me. Maybe I was just so hyped up to see it that I had expectations that were too high. Or maybe they were in for the jump out and grab you scares instead of the subtle, nail biting, "did I just see that?" kind. I remember the first movie had a scene where you saw footprints in baby powder...actually, I should say hoof prints. And it also had bumps, and doors/cabinets moving on their own..and the creepiest thing: Katie (the main character) getting out of bed and standing there for hours staring at her sleeping boyfriend. The second movie takes place at the same time as the first, but focuses on Katie's sister and her family. It's just as creeptastic, with the focus on the toddler son. The dog barks at "nothing" in the room, the reflection in the mirror still faces out even though the boy is not facing the mirror, etc.

In number three, they move back in time to investigate what makes the first two stories happen. But it's a different director. Now, I enjoyed the movie Catfish, in a strange, what's going on sort of way. They weren't meant for the subtle horror movie. There are multiple times where the characters jump at the camera to scare you. They try to explain the strange noises and events as part of a game of Bloody Mary, or maybe witches lived in our houses? Or maybe...there were too many options so they decided to throw all of them at us.

Sorry for the mini rant about a horror movie. I know this blog is mostly for crafting and cooking, but this...I just couldn't let this go. I promise that I'll have another post about cross stitch (I have a Kat R. Pillah to share!) soon, and perhaps a jacket or shirt or something soon (I'm mulling a color block shirt like the dresses the celebs are wearing) when I get my sleeping schedule balanced and I'm not so tired. The moral of this post? Don't watch Paranormal Activity 3. Just stick with the first two and make up the third in your head.

It's good to have work

This past week was my first week with my new job, and of course it's nothing but training. So far, so good. It seems like it will be much like my last job, just more specialized, which is nice - I love the familiarity, but crave the challenge of something new. And the trainer is wonderful with all four of us.

Next week is more training before they turn us loose. The hours are 7 am - 4 pm. That makes it perfect to get the kids up and off to the school bus before taking off myself, and I still get home in plenty of daylight to make dinner and see everyone before bedtime. The downside is that I haven't gotten my sleep schedule worked out, and Baby D has gotten his all out of whack, so I find myself exhausted by 8 pm. Soon....soon it will be better.

Oh! And more news? I got to pick out new glasses frames today! Woohoo! No more crooked and broken metal frames! No more scratched and blurry lenses! I get to pick them up on Valentine's Day and I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited. Like, so excited, I might get bangs. (nothing like a Happy Endings reference to make my day).