Monday, April 9, 2012


Hi everyone!
So, recently I accepted a full time position at the bank where I was working as a temp. I'm really excited to have full time work (so much less stressful when you aren't worried about your contract ending!), and benefits, and I actually enjoy my job. My team is small (only 10, plus the manager, when we're fully staffed!), which makes us a lot like family.

The problem I'm having is with missing my blog and you all. See, I get up at 5:15 every morning so I can shower before I have to get the kids up. Then they get dressed while I'm getting myself ready for work. We have to be out the door no later than 6:10 to catch the bus and I don't even have time to come back inside once they're off to school. Shoot, I don't even have time to do makeup before leaving, unless I want to get up earlier (and really, who wants to do that?). After work is through, I head home and cook dinner, help with the bits of homework I'm better with explaining, and finally I get to relax for about 30 minutes before my bedtime. It's exhausting most days!

So now I don't have enough time to blog, much less sew. Hopefully as work slows down a bit with more people coming to our teeny group, I'll have more time on the weekends and less stress every day. But for now, I likely won't blog much. I just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. I'm not. I miss you guys like I miss my kids when I head to work every day.

Hopefully soon I'll have something new to post. Maybe even a cross-post with my husband and his YouTube channel (he reviews metal music)

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