Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Merry Christmas?

This is how I spent my Christmas Morning.
Poor baby D woke up gasping for breath, super congested, and running a fever. After a few cough and some back rubs from Daddy, he was feeling better, but an ER visit was still in our future. I felt craptastic, too, but at least I could cough normally.
Then we drove across town (Mommy had car troubles) to get the big kids and take them home to open presents. Yay! E was so tired she couldn't resist a nap in the car. My sister spoiled all three of them with presents, as did Gramma and Grampa, but Daddy won with the most loved gifts for ALL THREE. Good job, Daddy!
Did you know that D made it all the way to his second Christmas without having his own stocking?! Crazy! So I "whipped" this one up with reverse applique using this amazing glorious green velvet that I bought when I was in 8th grade (I had just seen Gone With the Wind) and one of my dad's old shirts for the liner. This was NOT easy, but totally worth it. I think next year I'll find a different color velvet and do one for another kid, and so on until we all have matching stockings.

After all of these shenanigans, the bigs went back to Mommy for a few days before school. I missed them, but it was a welcome break since D and I weren't getting better. Friday, the day before New Years Eve, T and I spent some time with his cousin and his wife. It was fun...except D was snotty and fussy, and I was coughy and couldn't hear out of my right ear. I woke up early on NYE because my ear hurt and was making my jaw hurt. D and I drove into town to the new ER...O. M. G. We were in and out in under and hour and the staff was super nice. Come to find out, we both had ear infections and sinus infections. YAY! So we're both still healing, VERY slowly, and now I'm trying to nurse T back to health since he decided to join the sicko club.

I see lots of other bloggers out there spent the holidays sick, too. So if you're still sick, I hope you feel better. And if you're not sick, count yourself lucky!

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